‘God…Condemns It’: Ex-Astrologer Dismantles Horoscopes, Warns of Dangers of Divination

On this episode of the “Ex-Psychic Saved Podcast,” Jenn welcomes ex-astrologer Marcia Montenegro to the show to discuss horoscopes, divination, and the many ways people turn to sources outside of God to try and find “truth.”

“[Divination is] when you’re seeking information supernaturally, but outside of God, outside of God’s will,” Jenn explained at the start of the show. “God absolutely condemns it.”

Montenegro agreed, noting divination is an attempt to get information “beyond the normal means,” and said this can take the form of turning to Tarot cards, astrology, numerology, and teal leaf reading, among other practices. 

She went on to speak about the fact that some will try to use the Bible to validate astrology or act as though using the stars and celestial signs to predict the future somehow comports with the Gospel. 

“A lot of Christians…get confused over it,” Montenegro said, going on to explain why astrology and the Bible don’t mix and how to clarify the differences between astrology and astronomy. “Astrology and astronomy are two different things. Astronomy is a science and it’s based on observation of data. They are observing the heavenly bodies … and it’s strictly concerned with facts and trying to figure things out about those heavenly bodies.”

She continued. “Astrology is focused on the idea that there’s a meaning there.”

As a former professional astrologer, she recounted being so “in” on her astrological beliefs that she once wouldn’t sign an apartment lease while mercury was in retrograde, fearing what might happen if she did. Today, Montenegro is a Christian who pushes back against the beliefs she once held dear.

“What astrology is … it’s a form of divination, because you're reading a meaning into the planets that isn’t there,” she said. “Astrology … looks kind of innocent to a lot of people because it’s so common … the internet has made this information more accessible.”

But Montenegro explains exactly why it’s anything but innocent. 

‘God…Condemns It’: Ex-Astrologer Dismantles Horoscopes, Warns of Dangers of Divination
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